Thursday, 17 July 2014

Lazy days in the sun........

It's time to enjoy a good summer holiday read!!!!!

We had an assembly this week to launch The Libraries Summer Reading Challenge - Mythical Maze!

The challenge is on - read 6 books over the holidays (finishes the weekend we return to school), collect your stickers each time you've read a book and a certificate and medal await you at school in your new class (wherever that may be!!!!)

Information has been sent home about this event, it was hugely successful last year, inspiring children to read!

You will also find a new DASP reading booklet with top tips for how to encourage the enjoyment of reading.

So, lay back in your hammock and get lost in a book (or 6) this holiday!

Happy reading,

Mrs. Johnson

Have a great holiday everyone!

I wish you all the best for the summer holidays. I look forward to seeing everyone on the first day of the new school year which is Thursday, 4th September 2014. The school will be having three training days on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr Farrington

Friday, 11 July 2014

Open afternoon

A reminder that on Monday 14th July, the school is open from 2pm onwards. Please join your child in their class, look at work, join in with an activity. Then from 3.30pm you can visit your child's new teacher in their (new) classroom. Teachers will be happy to see you, please come along and introduce yourselves, likewise feel free to ask any questions you have.

Our school grounds...

Following some concerns about children's safety after school within our school site can I remind everyone that; all children are welcome to use our school grounds whilst under the supervision of their parent, if any school equipment is found to be outside can we ask all to be attentive and bring this back into our building? Finally, children have been reminded of our expectations of suitable behaviour displayed.
Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter.
Mrs Mewett

Monday, 7 July 2014

20th Anniversary Signature Book

If anyone would like to sign the 20th Anniversary Book it is outside the Office, please come and add a comment or memory to share.

We also have a few items of lost property from Saturday night, please check the boxes in the foyer.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

After School Club Activities w/b 7th July 2014

                 POW After School Club

Here are the activities that will be taking place this
week: 7th July 2014

Every day there will be construction, pens and paper, various games and help with homework if needed.  As well as these there will be one main activity that you can join in with and a healthy snack.

Monday – Football with Alex.  Making a Totem Pole.

Tuesday – Rounders with Elliott.   Make a picture with bottle tops.

Wednesday – Athletics with Elliott.  Make a yarn octopus.

Thursday – Cricket with Elliott.  Cooking cornflake cakes.

To book a space please contact the School Office. 

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Assembly theme: Compassion

This week we have been learning about the early life of The Lord Buddha and how he taught compassion towards all living things. Mr Farrington told a story about Siddartha (the Buddha's real name) saving the life of a swan.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

20th birthday party! Message from POWSA

Your Country Fair needs YOU!!!

I hope you are all looking forward to this weekend.  Planning is well underway, and we here at party HQ are all ready.  There is still time to prebook your tickets and food, so dig out that booking form, fill it out and hand it in to the school office.We are still looking for volunteers to help on the day, so please consider signing up for just one hour.  If we all do a little bit we all get to enjoy the party with our friends and families as well as helping out our fantastic school.  The sign up sheet is in the staff  room, so if you wish to volunteer please ask at the school office.Fingers crossed for lovely weather!  See you on Saturday.Kate and the POWSA team