Mr Farrington will be available during this week's parent consultation evenings. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to pop along to see him. He will also be encouraging parents to provide your views about the school through Ofsted's Parent View website to ensure that this reflects an up to date picture of parental opinions. If you haven't done this before, he will be in the ICT suite to show you the simple steps you need to follow. If you have done this before, then please consider submitting your views again!
Friday, 31 October 2014
How aware are you about keeping your child safe online?
During one of the parent consultation evenings, we are welcoming representatives from Dorset Police Safer Communities Team. They will be available to answer questions and provide information about how to keep your child safe when using the internet at home. The image attached to this blog shows you the way we teach about esafety at school.
Our friend Jon Dixon
Jon Dixon from Sustrans will be around during Wednesday's parent consultation evening. He will be giving advice and safety tips about your child's bicycle.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Festivals of Light
In today's assembly Mr Farrington talked about three festivals of light: Divali, Hannukah and Martinmass. We watched a video of a Christian service in an Indian village. In thinking about the Right to our own Identity we talked about all children's right to decide what to believe in and how to worship, no matter where in the world we live and to respect the rights of other children to have different beliefs.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Brighten Your Bike
Once again we had some fantastic efforts at brightening up our bikes. Jonathan Dixon taught the children about how important it is to be wearing reflective clothes and have lights on our bikes as days get shorter. Some of the children won reflective wrist bands and others were chosen to receive a bike lock.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Mythical Maze Reading challenge
I am thrilled with the response of the children to the summer library reading challenge. We have just received the certificates showing that over half our children successfully completed the Mythical Maze, a higher proportion than any other school in the area! Well done to all who took part and maybe next year, we can encourage even more children to keep up the reading habit over the holidays by reading six books!
Just a quick reminder that the POWSA AGM is happening this Thursday 23rd October 19.45 in the school staffroom.
This is a great opportunity to meet the current POWSA Committee, find out what we do for the school and enjoy home made goodies! We are a committed, friendly but small band of parents and we are always looking for new members. the level of your involvement in planning, implementing and running POWSA events is entirely up to you. We don't expect you to be at every meeting and at every event from start to finish but with more members and if we all do a little bit then there is plenty of time for us all to enjoy each event with our families as well as helping out.
It is a lot of fun and in return you receive a huge amount of satisfaction and feeling of pride that you have raised funds which are used to help all our children and our fantastic school.
Please consider coming along and finding out a bit more. Hope to see you there, POWSA.
This is a great opportunity to meet the current POWSA Committee, find out what we do for the school and enjoy home made goodies! We are a committed, friendly but small band of parents and we are always looking for new members. the level of your involvement in planning, implementing and running POWSA events is entirely up to you. We don't expect you to be at every meeting and at every event from start to finish but with more members and if we all do a little bit then there is plenty of time for us all to enjoy each event with our families as well as helping out.
It is a lot of fun and in return you receive a huge amount of satisfaction and feeling of pride that you have raised funds which are used to help all our children and our fantastic school.
Please consider coming along and finding out a bit more. Hope to see you there, POWSA.
Monday, 20 October 2014
The Great PoW Poetry Competition!!!!!!!! Get Writing!!!!!
What a wonderful, exciting and inspiring time of year we are immersed in - beautiful autumnal colours, leaves floating to the ground and flooding the pavements, conkers peppering the streets, crackling fires, Diwali, Halloween, Bonfire Night, moving towards winter and all the excitement of let's fire up our creativity and use it to compose a poem!
I am thrilled to announce The Great PoW Poetry Competition!
The theme is Autumn/Winter.
BE AS CREATIVE AS YOU LIKE! Your poem can be as long or as short as you like, it can rhyme or not, you can use any particular style (Acrostic, Haiku, Tanka, rhyming couplets........) However you choose to construct your poem make sure it conveys the theme, remember the presentation of you poem is important too and why not illustrate it as well!!!!!
For Reception ONLY: if writing your own poem is a bit tricky, why not find a favourite poem about this theme and try to copy it, get an adult to help you write one, use a computer or even record yourself reciting one!
The winners will also be displayed on the New Golden Writing Wall!!!!!
We are a very creative school with a bubbling and overflowing imagination so I would love to see as many of you as possible having a go...........then we can have more competitions like this!!!!!
Get writing!!!!!!!
Good Luck - Mrs. Johnson (Literacy Coordinator)
Sunday, 19 October 2014
After School Club w/b 20th October
POW After School Club
Here are the activities that will be taking place this
week: 20th October 2014
Every day there will be construction, pens and paper, various games and help with homework if needed. As well as these there will be one main activity that you can join in with and a healthy snack.
Monday – Football for all years with Alex. Making folded paper animals.
Tuesday –Hockey for Yrs 3 & 4 with Elliott. Making vegetable printed monsters.
Wednesday – Tag Rugby for Reception, Yrs 1 & 2 with Elliott. Cooking Fairy cakes.
Thursday – Basketball for Yrs 3 & 4 with Elliott. Making blowpaint monsters.
Please note that the Sports Clubs will be open to different year groups after half term.
To book a space please contact the School Office.
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Brighten your bike day!
OnTuesday 21st October the children are invited to decorate their bikes or scooters and bring them into school. Our friend Jonathan Dixon from Sustrans will be leading an assembly and encouraging more children to come to school by foot power!
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
POWSA Book Fair
The Book Fair is here all week. Your children will probably be coming home to let you know which books they particularly like as all the classes will have a chance to look at the fair in their reading lessons. The more books we sell, the more funds POWSA receives!
Rights Respecting Schools Week
Next week we shall be learning about UNICEF's Universal Rights of the Child. Our school theme will be about our Right to have our own identity. Different classes will also be focusing upon some of the other articles that set out the rights of children. Mr Farrington will also be showing each class what some basic rights look like for Indian children. At the end of the week, our Children's Voice will be joining with other DASP schools at a special celebration event.
DASP Caterpillars 2
Today Mr Farrington led an assembly about being Courteous, saying "Please" and "Thank you" and Excuse me" and letting other people go first through doors.
He also explained the meaning of being Considerate: looking after our belongings, looking after our home and our school, looking after our beautiful world. Mr Crow, Heidi the tortoise, Pat the rat and Sammy the seal helped to get across the message!
He also explained the meaning of being Considerate: looking after our belongings, looking after our home and our school, looking after our beautiful world. Mr Crow, Heidi the tortoise, Pat the rat and Sammy the seal helped to get across the message!
DASP Caterpillars
This week our assemblies are focusing upon the 7 Citizenship qualities in the DASP Caterpillars. On Tuesday Mr Farrington talked about the importance of Co-operation: team work and working together. "How can I be happy if others are sad?"
He also talked about how we expect every child to have a Conscientious approach to their work.
He also talked about how we expect every child to have a Conscientious approach to their work.
Sunday, 12 October 2014
After School Club
POW After School Club
Here are the activities that will be taking place this
week: 13th October 2014
Every day there will be construction, pens and paper, various games and help with homework if needed. As well as these there will be one main activity that you can join in with and a healthy snack.
Monday – Football for all years with Alex. Making Spider pictures.
Tuesday –Hockey for Yrs 3 & 4 with Elliott. Painting bugs and birds.
Wednesday – Tag Rugby for Reception, Yrs 1 & 2 with Elliott. Making Curious cats.
Thursday – Basketball for Yrs 3 & 4 with Elliott. Make a pipe cleaner bug.
Please note that the Sports Clubs will be open to different year groups after half term.
To book a space please contact the School Office.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Eco Assembly
This week Mr MacBean has talked to the children about the importance of not wasting food, recycling food waste to make compost in our Farm to Fork Week.
Family Festival of Science
On Saturday 11th October from 1.00 to 5.00pm Thomas Hardye Science Department is hosting a wonderful variety of interactive activities suitable for all ages. Some examples of workshops include Fossil Fun, a project to build a green car, the wonders of butterflies and moths, adventures with crystals and lots lots more! If you have nothing planned this weekend why not go along?
Monday, 6 October 2014
Sunday, 5 October 2014
After School Club
After School Club
Here are the
activities that will be taking place this
week: 6th October 2014
day there will be construction, pens and paper, various games and help with
homework if needed. As well as these
there will be one main activity that you can join in with and a healthy snack.
– Football for all years with Alex. Making a Owl.
–Hockey for Yrs 3 & 4 with Elliott. Make a paper chain caterpillar.
Wednesday – Tag Rugby for Reception, Yrs 1 & 2 with Elliott. Make banana muffins.
– Basketball for Yrs 3 & 4 with Elliott. Make a cardboard boomerang.
Please note that the Sports Clubs will be open to different year groups after half term.
book a space please contact the School Office.
You should ALL be very proud of Year 4 - 13 children took part in the Swimarathon and swam 178 lengths between them, raising approximately £500!!!!!!!!!! Spirits were incredibly high, team spirit was exceptional and ALL the children can feel very proud for challenging themselves and pushing their physical strength and stamina to the limit!!!!!!!!
A huge thank you to all the families and Year 4 staff that came along and supported the children - it was great to see so many people kindly giving up their time to support them and the charities.
Well done and Thank you once again!
Mrs. Johnson
Harvest cafe - Friday 10th October

The children will visit the hall in classes from 1.30 - 2.30 pm and for 20p they will be able to choose two items and have a drink. Parents then arrive and can collect children to sit with them in the hall.
If you do feel like donating some goodies for us to sell for the cafe then please do send in - we'd hate to run out! In the past we have had some lovely produce made either for children to eat or for parents to buy whole cakes for the weekend.
Thanks for your help and support!
Friday, 3 October 2014
Harvest Week "Farm to Fork"
We hope parents are able to join us to celebrate harvest. Each class will perform a short poem, song or dance on Friday 10th October: 9.20 for Reception, Years 1 and 2, 9.50 for Years 3 and 4. We are counting on your generosity in contributing to our harvest display: please bring in fruit, vegetables, bottles, cans, cakes, bread and other offerings! These will all be sold on in aid of our two chosen charities: Epilepsy Action UK and the Kings College Hospital West Africa Ebola Appeal. You are also invited to our Harvest cafe at 2.30 on Friday where children will be selling food that they have cooked in class time. During the week each class will be learning more about where their food comes from: check out your child's class blog for details!
Continuing our theme of HOPE, Mr Farrington talked about the Hindu festival of Navratri which is celebrated at this time of year for Nine Nights. Here is a picture of the Mother Goddess Durga who is at the heart of this festival.
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Splish! Splash! Splosh!
You may have noticed some posters around the school today......?
Year 4 were invited to take part in The Lion's Club Swimarathon this week-end, at quite late notice. They were so keen to do it and to raise money for the 4 chosen charities, that we have a team of 14 so far!!!!!!!
We will be swimming at 1610 from 2-3pm if you are able to come and cheer us on. If you feel you are able to sponsor us then that would be brilliant too! Just find one of the sponsor forms outside each classroom and donate whatever you can!
Thank you for your support - we really appreciate it!
Year 4
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