Monday, 29 February 2016

Successful Eco-Swap-Around Day

Today we had a very successful day with the children working in mixed-age groups throughout the day on 3 "Eco-activities" with 3 different teachers. We were all very busy with these activities and had lots of fun building, creating and planting to enhance our school environment.
A big "Thank you" to those parents and grandparents who were able to lend a hand during the day. Your help, as always, was greatly appreciated.

Photograph of Eco Art Work

Sunday, 28 February 2016


Here are the activities that will be taking place this
week: 29th February 2016

Every day there will be construction, pens and paper, various games and help with homework if needed.  As well as these there will be one main activity that you can join in with and a healthy snack.

Monday –Football with Alex for Yrs 3 & 4. Making a paper plate rainbow.

Tuesday –Basketball with Elliott for  Yrs 3 & 4. Making a paper plate chicken.

Wednesday – Tag Rugby with Elliott for Reception, Yrs 1 & 2.  Making Mother's Day cards.

Thursday –Football with Elliott for Reception, Yrs 1 & 2.  Making Mother's Day cards.

Friday - Making Mother's Day cards.

PLEASE NOTE:  From 22/2/16 After School Club will take place in the main school and not in the Preschool building so please ring the bell when you come to pick up your child.  Thank you.

To book a space, please contact the Office stating  whether your child will be attending Sports Club or the After School Club. Please note that, if possible, we require a week's notice to cancel a previous booking  or you may still be charged.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Eco week - we need your help!

Eco week – Week commencing 29th February

We need your help!

Monday 29th February – We are having a whole school eco activity day.  The children will have chosen three activities they wish to do; they will visit other classrooms and work with children across the school.  If you are able to come on in and lend a hand, then please let your class’s team know. The more helpers the more successful these activities can be!

Also, events and learning through eco week are going on throughout this week. Again, if you have a small amount of time spare, please do let us know, we would really appreciate any extra offers of help. Again, please talk to your child’s teacher/ team.

Finally, thank you to all of you who have been bringing in wanted items by staff for eco week, we very much appreciate all of the items, these will help in ensuring the children’s learning and activities can be as exciting and fun as planned!

Monday, 22 February 2016

a request

WANTED! If you have any colourful unwanted balls of wool, please can you send in for Eco Week?

Many thanks!

Mrs Mewett

Friday, 19 February 2016

After School Club w/b 22nd February 2016

Activities for After School Club w/b 8th February


Here are the activities that will be taking place this
week: 22nd February 2016

Every day there will be construction, pens and paper, various games and help with homework if needed.  As well as these there will be one main activity that you can join in with and a healthy snack.

Monday –Football with Alex for Yrs 3 & 4. Making stained glass cloud with raindrops.

Tuesday –Basketball with Elliott for  Yrs 3 & 4. Making paper plate caterpillars .

Wednesday – Tag Rugby with Elliott for Reception, Yrs 1 & 2.  Making spinners.

Thursday –Football with Elliott for Reception, Yrs 1 & 2.  Cooking Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Friday - Make a 3-D ladybird.

PLEASE NOTE:  From 22/2/16 After School Club will take place in the main school and not in the Preschool building so please ring the bell when you come to pick up your child.  Thank you.

To book a space, please contact the Office stating  whether your child will be attending Sports Club or the After School Club. Please note that, if possible, we require a week's notice to cancel a previous booking  or you may still be charged.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Spider Plant - Any spare "Plantlets"? (or indoor plant bulbs)

Dear Parents,
As one of our activities during Eco Week (week of Monday 29th Feb), I am hoping to get the children to plant some indoor plants for the school classrooms.
If you have any Spider Plants with emerging plantlets at home, we would be very grateful if you could donate these to us to plant out in pots during our Eco-Week. The plantlets would need to be cut off from the stems and brought to school. We will keep them in water to encourage roots to grow until the potting activity.
Any spare indoor plant bulbs that you could spare would also be appreciated.
Many thanks,
Mr. MacBean

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Activities for After School Club w/b 8th February


Here are the activities that will be taking place this
week:8th February 2016

Every day there will be construction, pens and paper, various games and help with homework if needed.  As well as these there will be one main activity that you can join in with and a healthy snack.

Monday –Football with Alex for Yrs 3 & 4. Making pancakes.

Tuesday –Basketball with Elliott for  Yrs 3 & 4. Making paper plate ladybirds .

Wednesday – Tag Rugby with Elliott for Reception, Yrs 1 & 2.  Making lolly stick flowers.

Thursday –Football with Elliott for Reception, Yrs 1 & 2 .Making birds nest on a paper plate. 

Friday - Inset Day.

To book a space, please contact the Office stating  whether your child will be attending Sports Club or the After School Club. Please note that, if possible, we require a week's notice to cancel a previous booking  or you may still be charged.

Friday, 5 February 2016

Thank you, tyres and paint! Friday 5th Feb 2016

Thank you soon much to all of you who have come to me with offers of tyres! We are going to have some amazing sculptured planters!!!!!

Do any of you out there have any thoughts about the paint I will need, also if you do have any odds or leftovers of paint that would be suitable for that, or for painting wood (I know that is a planned activity for the week too) then please let me know? Equally, if anyone would like to come in and help, then you are very welcome, again let me know!

Thanks again and have a great week-end!

Mrs. Johnson