Thursday, 16 November 2017

Multi-Skills Success!

Hello everyone,

Some carefully selected children from year 1 & 2 recently took part in a Multi-skills event at DMS. I am pleased to announce that we finished 2nd in the whole event! A big congratulations to Orson, Elsie, Phillippa & Jasper for all their hard work and effort. Elsie & Phillippa actually came 1st in the girls groups for their respective years! Thank you to Mrs. Hall for going along with the children and bring on next year! 

Mr. Gibson 

Monday, 16 October 2017

Bottle Green House Built!

We have finally finished building our bottle greenhouse! This is located by the year 4 classroom and has taken many many bottles to make! Well over 1000!! Thank you to everyone who brought bottles in to school and to everyone that has helped to make it! Thank you to POWSA again for helping to purchase the wooden frame and a BIG thank you to Mrs. Webb for her help in this venture! The next time I suggest something, Mrs. Webb may take a bit more time to think about it! 
We will be using our greenhouse this year to start planting some plants and vegetables! Watch this space...

Mr. Gibson

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Book Bags

Book Bags are back in stock! 

Please come to school office if you need to purchase one. These are not available to order online. 

Cost = £5

Friday, 14 July 2017

DASP citizen!

A Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge congratulations to the 5 children that were awarded with the DASP citizen of the year award on Tuesday this week!
It is a very prestigious award;we are very proud of all of you!

Well done
Orson  from Reception, Erin from Year 1,
Sophie from Year 2, Frank from Year 3 and Megan from Year 4.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Summer Soiree

 Well what a fantastic evening of music last night! The children stepped up the challenge of performance  with relish, and all did themselves proud! It was lovely to hear from children this morning how much it has inspired them to want to practise more and to improve, so a bonus indeed of watching other children in the school perform.
Many thanks to all parents and family who came long to support them. If anyone has got any good photos would they please send them through to the school office, to pass on to myself?

Mrs Mewett

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

STEM week - 19th June - 23rd june

Well STEM week has been going brilliantly across the school! We have seen different towers of different properties being built, bubbles being made and created, machines designed, and lots more!

Thursday - 2pm - all parents/ grandparents are invited in to work with their child on a class's challenge! Do join us, it will be great to see as many of you as can come!

We do hope you understand that this session is not suitable for 'little ones' to join us. The afternoon session is just for parents to work with their child/ group in class.

Thank you

Friday, 16 June 2017

Dorchester carnival - TODAY

Good luck Prince of Wales School today in representing us at the Dorchester Carnival this evening!

If you would like to go along to support or be in the procession then your child will need a costume, to meet in Brewery Square for judging around 4pm. Mrs Bernard and Mrs Scott will be there and will need your details from you/ permission if your child wishes to be in this.

Lots of staff are taking part too!

We very much look forward to see photos of the efforts for Peter Pan - enjoy the procession! Well done everyone.


Friday, 9 June 2017

Monday 12th June - Bike Breakfast

“Bike Breakfast” at the Prince of Wales School!

 On Monday 12th June, we are holding another “Bike Breakfast” event! This is to encourage pupils, parents and staff to get on their bikes and scooters for the journey to school. From 8.40am until 8.55am, there will be drinks and snacks for everyone who cycles or scoots to school.

 We hope we can tempt you onto two wheels to help the school get more children active on the school journey. It is fun and healthy and the roads around school will be much calmer if fewer people drive!

 We look forward to seeing you there,


Monday, 5 June 2017

POW summer fayre - Saturday 10th June

The Prince of Wales Summer Fayre is this Saturday 10th June 11-2pm! Do please come along, bring family and friends.

A football tournament, activities and games for children, BBQ, bouncy castle, skittles, prizes to be won! The event is solely to raise funds for our school and Pre-School. Finally, if you do feel you could help man a stall then do please sign up in the foyer of the main school or over at Pre-school. More helpers mean that everyone can enjoy the event.

Friday 9th June – This day is a ‘non School uniform’ day – Please bring in chocolates and wine to donate towards the fayre tombola’s please. We do also need cakes for the cafĂ© and teddies too!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Mewett, Julia Nineham and the POWSA committee

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Road Safety

The whole school assembly today was all about being safe when coming to school, being within our school grounds and then when leaving school at the end of the day.

The children learned how to cross the road safely with an adult and were very good too at knowing which road markings mean that cars cannot stop.

So, do ask your child if they remember the following!

* Walk to the edge of the pavement with the adult.
* Look and listen both ways checking for cars or other vehicles.
* If a vehicle is coming then let it come past and then look and listen again.
* When the road is clear , then holding hand walk across the road to the other side.

PLEA! 2 Litre Bottles!

Image result for 2 litre bottle

As many of you will be aware we have been building a bottle greenhouse on the school grounds for a while now! We would love to get this finished now the weather is beginning to get warmer! We are still in need of 2 litre bottles to do this! There aren't many more to go and we would be extremely grateful if you could bring them into school! Please bring them to your classroom if you have any spare! The bottles have got to be the cylindrical shape type as shown in the picture above. We have discovered that attempting to use different shaped bottles has not worked.

Thank you very much!

Friday, 31 March 2017

Concerns over parking.

As you are all aware, the school is fortunate to have a wide range of parking areas in its proximity. Due to the school's opening time, there is sufficient time for all parents and carers to access the  school grounds with their child in a safe manner.

Yet again it has come to the school's attention of what has been described as dangerous driving and also parking which is obstructing pedestrian walkways and crossings. This cannot continue.

We ask all members of our school community to follow the markings and ultimately think about road safety for our families too. Only a few months ago was there an accident outside a school in Weymouth.

The governing body are now looking into further action to be taken, the local Police team are also aware of this issue and are providing assistance with this matter.

Thank you,


Thursday, 23 March 2017

Red Nose Day Tomorrow!

Image result for red nose day 2017

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder about Red Nose Day tomorrow… It is a non-school uniform day with a red theme. Children can wear as much red as they can find as well as a funny accessory like a funny hat, glasses etc. Please consider donating what you can to such a great cause. Donations will be accepted in the morning within each classroom. 
At the end of the day we will have some brave volunteer members of staff taking part in the 'Pay for a Pie' event, out the front of the school. The 'pies' will cost £1 each and children are welcome to throw these! Arrangements will be made if the weather is unfavourable. We thank you in advance for giving what you can to support a great cause.Image result for pie throwing

Lastly, ALL of our Red Noses have been sold! There are many shops that sell these if you still need to purchase one.

Many thanks

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Successful "Bike-It-Breakfast" event - Tues 21st March


Today we had an excellent turn out of children and parents who came to school on Bicycles and Scooters to receive their "Bike-It-Breakfast". The sunny weather and the additional incentive of a healthy breakfast snack on arrival prompted a very good turn out. This should help to boost our figures in the "Big Pedal" - an event run by Sustrans that is taking place over the next fortnight.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Bedtime story event!

Thank you to all the Pre-School, Reception and year 1 families who supported our bedtime story and hot chocolate evening on Friday! It was a huge success, super fun and a great way to celebrate world book day and the love of reading!!!!!! We were bowled over by the amount of you who came along in your pjs with your teddies!
We will definitely do this more often - I hope you all managed to get to sleep!!!!!!!
 Mrs. Johnson and Julia Nineham

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Whole School Tuesday 7th March 2017 - Your HELP required - please!

I am still very keen to launch this mini project of creating a book swap shack! I am still on the look out for any quirky items that could be used as a potential home for the books - I have had an offer of an unwanted playhouse, however would need someone with the means to lift and move it............please do come and see me if you can help in any way. Failing all that, I will search the internet!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you,

Mrs. Johnson - Year 4

Monday, 6 March 2017

Whole School Collaborative Writing Day!!!!!! Monday 6th March 2017

Well, well,well.....................?
What a SURPRISE we had this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It all began when..................................
Poor Mrs. Scott was called at 3:00am to come to school because the alarm was going off, on arrival she discovered that the side office door had been broken in to! The police arrived to investigate and were met by Baby Bear who claimed he was sure that it was Goldilocks who had broken in!!!!!!!!

The chaos unravelled from there...............Little Red Riding Hood appeared, looking VERY lost - apparently she had been invited by the Three Little Pigs to come and stay with them for a long week-end in their new house (the roundhouse of course!)

Goldilocks, it seems, had already intercepted this letter and was trying to find their house so that she could look inside! And, of course, the Big Bad Wolf had followed them all, in search of food!!!!!!!! Our guests joined us for assembly - it took all our might to stop Goldilocks from upsetting baby bear and from stopping the wolf gobbling up the Three Pigs and Red Riding Hood! They stayed in our school for the day, while I hunted high and low for the key to the Fairy Tale Land portal.............meanwhile, the children investigated the events in various ways spending the day in mixed up collaborative groups across the school! In Reception they wrote a variation on the Three Pigs story, in Year 1 they wrote letters to the wolf asking him to change his ways! In Year 2 they designed houses for an estate agents and wrote the particulars in order to persuade the pigs to buy their house. In Year 3 they learned all about wolves and wrote wolf fact files. In Year 4 they wrote new fairy tales "Goldilocks and The Three Pigs."
Luckily, at the end of the day, when we gathered in the hall to share our learning, I eventually found the key and we were able to return our visitors to Fairy Tale Land - and LOCK THE PORTAL!!!!!!!!
The writing will be displayed in the main corridor by the end of the week, so please pop along and have a read!!!!!!!!

Mrs. Johnson

Friday, 3 March 2017

World Book Day and The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told.

World Book Day was a HUGE success - what wonderful costumes - staff too! There were a lot of fun book based activities throughout the day too! Wally was spotted by several children today - look out for him in a new hiding place on Monday! Look out for book day photos on the website!

Today, we had the Hobgoblin Theatre Company perform "The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told............." The children (and adults) were thoroughly engaged as the three, highly professional actors/actresses, took us into the magical world of fairy tales, where not everything was as it seemed!!!!!!!!! It was a hilarious "twist" on the traditional tales we know and love!
A huge round of applause to the Hobgoblin Theatre Company!

Thank you everyone for your support - we look forward to some super writing as a result of this exciting visit!

Mrs. Johnson

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Everyone!!!! World Book Day and ...............some help please!

Yippee, it's nearly here.............World Book Day THIS Thursday!!!!!!!!! There is a real "buzz" filling the school this week............
I cannot wait to see your costumes and judge them for prizes during assembly (parents and staff too!) I will be outside school in the morning to look at all your fabulous outfits!!!!!!!!

Also.............."Where's Wally" challenge! Somewhere hidden around the school from Thursday, for a whole week, Wally will be hidden - if you find him, whisper to your teacher where you think he is and you will get a certificate! (Don't tell anyone!)

Things to look forward to: Activities set up in your class to celebrate World Book Day, "The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told" performance on Friday and something...........exciting for Monday............(it's a surprise!)

Lastly, a call out to anyone that might have a suitable, quirky item of furniture that may be up-cycled and used, like the pictures below, to live outside the front of the school as a "free book shop!" (Or even, if there is a clever person out there that would like to make something suitable??????)
 I loved this idea and thought it would be great way for EVERYONE to have the opportunity to own their own story. The aim would be that you could donate books that have been loved and you would like someone else to enjoy, also taking a new book for yourself! If you can help in anyway, please let myself (Mrs. Johnson - Year 4) know!

Thank you

Mrs. Johnson

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

EVERYONE - World Book Day - dressing up! Posted Wed 8th Feb

Hello Everyone!

You may well have seen this poster appearing in school, or see one very soon - it is NOT to be missed as we would love EVERYONE to participate!
Competition Time…………..

To celebrate World Book Day, come in to school dressed as your favourite Fairy Tale character on Thursday 2nd March 2017.
One winner for each year group, as well as a staff and a parent prize too, for the most creative costumes!

Ready………steady……….get creating!