Tuesday 8 October 2013

Some ideas to help you with Bling a Bike Day!

Bling your Bike Ideas

All ideas below were collected from various Bike It officers, which hopefully will give you a few ideas to get started with!

The possibilities are endless, but it’s also important to make sure the decorations don’t obstruct the controls of the bike.

§         Search for ‘scraper bike’ online and look at the images for some great wheel decoration ideas
§         Lots of pipe cleaners and ribbons for weaving between spokes and around frame (of course making sure not to get in the way of any moving parts)
§         Plastic drinking straws. Split up the side and put on the spokes (this was very popular and looked very effective with bright colours)
§         Stickers. All sorts for putting on helmets and vinyl stickers for placing on the bike frame.
§         Tinsel and feather boas. Attach with cable ties and cut the ends short so it won’t come undone too easily.
§         Lengths of fabric cut into long strips and weaved in between spokes and around the frame.
§         Cardboard cut outs with one placed each side of the bike and attached with cable ties. Obviously this needs consideration so as to avoid clogging up moving parts and so on.
§         Print outs of popular cartoons and bike images, laminate and cut out, punch holes and then cable tie or use pipe cleaners to tie onto spokes and frame. Also really good if you can use a laminator on the day and laminate the pictures drawn by the children to attach to their own bike.
§         Flags! Bunting with lots of different flags to cut off and use or get children to create their own flags. Can be attached anywhere, but it looks good if attached to a thin piece of bamboo so it can be attached to the back of the bike and wave in the air as they cycle.
§         Use modelling clay. Makes great dust caps.

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