Monday 21 April 2014

Have you heard the jungle drums beating a reading rhythm over the holidays..........?

Hi everyone!

I hope you had a relaxing, restful and enjoyable Easter? Exciting news.................the library has been transformed!!!!!! As if by magic!!!!!!!!!

A note will come home to explain the new system, which is VERY simple - this week the teachers will arrange for the children to visit the library and they will also decide which colour books they are to choose from. At the moment there are still more books to be bar coded and added, so I would ask that children only take ONE fiction book at a time to ensure there is enough for everyone! (They will still be changing their non - fiction book in school time)

Simple to follow.............

The library is NOT a reading scheme - it is to reinforce and embed reading for pleasure! Therefore the books have been arranged into 3 groups, which roughly equate to ease of reading and age suitability.
Your children will still be sent home with teacher assessed level appropriate books linked to their guided reading session each week which they should also read.

As a rough guide - Tree books (blue) are early readers/sharing books at Reception/Year 1 level, Forest books (green) at Year2/Year3 level and Jungle books (red + any colour) at Year 4 level - that is not to say that the class teacher, or yourselves in consultation with the class teacher, may decide your child is ready to read, understand and enjoy the next category!

All the books are now barcoded, and the aim is that children learn how to scan out the books themselves, however IT IS ESSENTIAL that a book is returned before a new book is taken out - I am sure you will appreciate that there are a lot of new books and they should be available for everyone, so quite simply return your book in the returns tray next to the scanning computer. For the first couple of weeks, myself and/or Mrs Dukes or Mrs. Thomas will be available in the library should you need any help or have any questions!

We hope you enjoy the library and it's surroundings, finding it a pleasurable and inspiring place to be - we also hope to continue to add to the library - this is just the start....................!!!!!!!!!

I will also be sending out a questionnaire in a couple of weeks to ask for your welcome feed back!

Thank you for your patience and support!!!!

A huge THANK YOU needs to go out to Mrs. Yardley who came in during the holidays to help, and also to many of the staff who gave up their time to come in and help - Mrs.Thorne, Mrs. Bernard, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Thorpe, Mrs. Dukes and Mrs. Webb (who gave up several days to help!!!) - This wouldn't have happened without them!!!!!!

Mrs. Johnson and the Library Team.

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