Tuesday 1 December 2015

Today's Eco Assembly

In our school assembly this morning the children found out about some of the different ways we are trying to be an "eco-friendly" school. We did some mathematics to work out how much money we've been spending on paper towels; far too much! And then we looked at our new more efficient paper-towel dispensers and talked about how we can try to get our hands dry just using one towel each time.

We looked at the biodegradable waste bags we are using. We talked about how Mr. Butcher is replacing light bulbs with new more efficient (and therefore cheaper) ones.

The children in Year 4 have created a "Green Procurement Policy". We are all on board to use products that only have a minimal impact on the environment. We are all trying not to be wasteful and trying to make sure we all do our best to take responsibility. 


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